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Aney's CV

About Me

I'm a helpful and well-mannered person that can work both alone, and as part of a team. I have a willingness to learn, and a proficiency with post-optimisation, and problem-solving. A goal of mine is to always help people to the best of my ability, and to improve myself wherever possible.

Experience/Employment History


May 2023 - Current

Position: Developer

As part of the development team at 360, I spend my time working full-stack on the numerous client sites. This is almost entirely using a Laravel stack, with Bootstrap, Jquery, and vanilla CSS.

Skills: PHP Laravel Jquery Bootstrap SQL


April 2021 - January 2023

Position: Developer

My time at TJS online was spent developing, and maintaining both the front, and back-end of the dozens of client websites, primarily using a Symfony based stack. This also entailed working with the databases, and ensuring service, and cronjob uptimes.

Skills: PHP Symfony SCSS Git Linux NGINX SEO

Advantage Finance Ltd

Time: October 2018 - March 2021

Position: System Developer and Technician

I worked as part of the DevOps team at the car financing company, Advantage Finance. Whilst there I worked full-stack on the numerous bespoke systems; adding features, working on bug fixes, and rewriting legacy code for both desktop and web applications. I also assumed the position of IT support, aiding with general AD and PC issues, along with assisting in the training of new starters.

Skills: VB6 VB.net ASP Classic SVN SQL Active Directory


Time: January 2014 - September 2018

Position: Volunteer

While at the renowned charity organisation’s shop I handled a multitude of tasks; ranging from working the till, cash handling, tidying and stocking the shop. I was also entrusted with additional tasks such as making bank deposits, opening the shop, and supervising Saturday’s staff. I enjoyed holding conversations with the customers, learning the familiar faces, and helping everyone feel welcom in the shop.


Time: March 2014 - April 2014

Position: Personal Picker

Whilst on the Prince's Trust I did a month’s work experience at a large Tesco shop. This involved making 'picks' that were all completed without any errors or customer complaints. I also assisted a number of customers find their desired products and way around the shop.

Lake Marketing and Events

Time: January 2013 - December 2013

Position: (Apprentice) Graphic Designer

During my apprenticeship I designed a multitude of various prints such as posters, business cards, flyers, etc. for a wide array of local and regional businesses ranging from small start-ups to larger brands such as Subway. I also designed, and wireframed a number of websites, and aided in the development of a few; including the company's own website, and the Lincolnshire Food Festival’s using Wordpress.

Skills: Photoshop Illustrator Wordpress



BSc Computing Technologies

Location: Grimsby Institute

Time: September 2014 - May 2017


Prince's Trust

Time: April 2014 - July 2014

A Levels/BTECs

BTEC Level 3 Creative and Digital Media

Time: January 2013 - June 2014


Maths (A), Physics (B), English (C), IT (Merit), Media (B), Biology (C)

Location: Ormiston Maritime Academy

Time: September 2007 - September 2012




If you like what you see, feel free to contact me via one of the methods below:

Email: the.nathan.steel@outlook.com

LinkedIn: Nathan Steel